Brave New Girl

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Do it scared

Doing things scared, doing them messy, is a way to jump into something that you have no idea will work, but you believe, somehow is the right thing to do.

That’s how so many entrepreneurs start out. We see a problem and we work out a way to fix it. But we don’t necessarily have everything we need in place to get started.

Nevertheless we dive in and iterate as we go. We make mistakes and we learn and we evolve.

When it comes to climate solutions it is no different. We’ve not saved a planet before so we are jumping in with what we have and running with that.

What you do may be different from what I do, but we can influence and inspire one another.

My Brave New Girl podcast guest this week is Emilia Leese, and when she heard about the power of planting trees to help regenerate biodiversity and absorb carbon from the atmosphere, she and her husband decided that was how they were going to do their bit.

They bought 100 acres of land south of Loch Ness in Scotland and began on the bold and brave adventure with The Birchfield Project.


Bringing about positive change isn’t always easy, but it is worth it.


Emilia Leese is the author of Think like a Vegan & founder of the Birchfield Project dedicated to rewilding 100 acres in the Highlands of Scotland, near Loch Ness, in which they aim to restore the native forest, peat bog, funga, reintroduce locally extinct species & inspire people to connect with the environment.

Emilia is  the owner, along with her husband, of 100 acres of a former commercial forest which they bought in 2017, after a few years of searching. 

They were inspired by Alan Watson Featherstone, founder of Trees For Life, and thought they too could plant some trees to help restore the Caledonian Forest.

Through their friends with whom they later formed Lifescape, they developed the ideas behind the Natural Capital Laboratory project they now collaborate with some incredible people - AECOM, Lifescape Project, University of Cumbria, Rewilding Mycology and Alan Watson Featherstone himself.

 From simply wanting to plant trees, they’ve ended up doing something much more ambitious. 

Thank you so much Emilia for your commitment to reforesting and restoring the native Calidonian forest and biodiversity of Scotland, to Lifescape and the Natural Capital Laboratory, and to vegan ethics and its huge positive impact for people and the planet.

Thanks also for showing us that when we join forces to bring about change, we can make such a difference to the world we live in.

You can find out more about Emilia’s work on and follow her on Linkedin @emilialeese 


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