Brave New Girl

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Driver of your destiny

When you are an entrepreneur you get to write your own story. You get to be the driver of your own destiny. That said, there are still plenty of detours, not of your own making. It’s what you choose to do in those moments; at those crossroads that counts. Your choices will depend on how your brain works, the kind of person you are, your priorities and how you wish to spend the precious time that you are allotted. If you are writing your story with the cause of humanity at your core, you are creating a blueprint for the rest of us to learn from.

Make your story count

Bettina Hein has created a healthcare app with which we can monitor our health and take action to support ourselves. It came about as a result in a twist in her own story.


This week’s guest is Bettina Hein, a serial tech entrepreneur and founder of SVOX a text-to-speech software, which she created right out of graduate school and sold for $125 million. Now she’s founded ‘Juli’ – an AI powered health app/ tech startup that helps people with chronic health conditions.

Access to doctors has been more limited during Covid and so people were more inclined to take care of and monitor their own health. This meant that Bettina's healthcare app Juli had a steep uptake, as people endeavoured to stay on top of their chronic conditions.

It takes a different kind of brain to be a serial tech entrepreneur and indeed Bettina was a smart, curious girl with an insatiable appetite for learning. With a family history of entrepreneursip it was no surprise that she bounced straight from of her many degrees into co-founding a tech start-up that ended up getting sold and the profits shared amongst the stake-holders. She could have lived (frugally) for the rest of her days from the proceeds but that isn't in her DNA. She created another business Pixability, an advertising software company, which she ran for ten years.

But after a health crisis during her post-partum care she decided she had another business in her and she founded Juli, the tracking app for conditions such as asthma, migraine, depression, bipolar disorder and chronic pain.  The idea is that if you can track lifestyle, and internal and external stressors then you can see what your triggers are and when they are occurring. you can then decide to make changes accordingly and thereby improve the impact of your condition.

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint-hearted but it does give you the freedom to be the driver of your own destiny, and despite the challenges along the way Bettina believes that if you have the courage to face that which you do not wish to face, and you put yourself out there with audaciousness, then you are more likely to succeed.

Thanks Bettina for bringing your skill, expertise, creative thinking and entrepreneurship to the issue of human health and well-being, and for giving us the chance to monitor and potentially improve any chronic conditions we might suffer from, and for showing us that there are no limits to our ability to impact the world if we just believe in our the magnitude of our own potential

You can find out more about Bettina’s work at and follow her on Linkedin @bettinahein

Creator of Brave New Girl

You can hear my story- about how I came to create Brave New Girl podcast when I guest on the Sandro Forte podcast.


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