Brave New Girl

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Healthy Gut

Hippocrates said food is medicine, and yet to get good wholesome, pesticide or herbicide-free food from the ground costs an arm and a leg.

My grandmother lived to a ripe old age of 94 and she and her generation had grown up on food that we would now call organic.

Food that is good for our gut, our hormones & and our overall health.

That was before farmers started to spray the crops to increase yield, so the soil was rich and the food grown in it was nutrient dense.

When you have good soil microbiome and you eat food grown it it, you get good gut microbiome.

It was cheap, wholesome preventative medicine.

Now it comes with an organic label and price tag to match.

Big Farming grew out of a change of farming techniques from weedkiller to excess soil tillage.

We lost our easy access to cheap healthy fruit and veg.

But the tide is turning.  

My Brave New Girl podcast guest this is week is Zuzanna Zielinska founder of Harvest Care which leverages regenerative agriculture to provide food-as-medicine to European society.


Zuzanna champions the integration of the healthcare system and the food system.


Zuzanna’s company Harvest Care play a role in the integration of the healthcare system and the food system.

By working in partnership with farmers they are enlarging the market for regenerative produce whilst raising consciousness about nutrient density.

She works towards giving access to weed killer-free food to people whatever their financial means, whilst raising consciousness about nutrient density.

Working with farmers to change farming practice, making nutrient dense food more accessible, whilst showing why this matters, is a three-pronged approach to the health and wellbeing of people and the planet.

· Individual nutrition and health coaching focus on women's hormonal health and gut issues 

· Grouplearning by facilitating nutrition and health workshops 

· Societal change by working with a model of Teaching Kitchens organized by Harvard University that aims to incentivise cooking and lifestyle intervention as part of the healthcare system

Thanks Zuzanna for sharing with us how to connect the dots between regenerative agriculture, and the health of humans and the environment and for showing us how we can get closer to living a nutrient dense and climate conscious lifestyle

You can find out more about Zuzanna’s work on and follow her on @zuzanna zielinska

Coalition of Health Professionals for Regenerative Agriculture.


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