Brave New Girl

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Money while you sleep

Having just been to a part of Mexico filled with travellers, hippies and bohemians, many of whom have opted for an alternative life to the 9-5, it’s easy to see the attraction of a new way of working. Post-pandemic we don’t have to be tied to the commute and the office; with a smart phone and a lap top people are proving that you can choose to work wherever you want in the world.

Sometimes that choice is forced upon you and you find yourself unable to work how you used to. Lucy Griffiths suffered severe double-incontinence after the birth of her son and had to make a radical change of careers; one that meant she could make money a different way. She discovered the holy grail of passive income.

But her condition meant, not that she could travel and work, but that she could earn money and stay at home.


My Brave New Girl podcast guest this week is Lucy Griffiths who has made a new career of making money while she sleeps and living in the way she needs to.

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Lucy Griffiths is a force of nature who rose to the top in the cut-throat world of video journalism, reporting in war zones and even ending up in jail for reporting in Myanmar. But after childbirth she developed severe incontinence & had to rethink her career, becoming an entrepreneur, online course officianado & author of Money While You Sleep.

Lucy taught English in China and was there during the SARS outbreak, so she knew what was coming when Covid struck. Her business was already online by this time so she was able to keep it going.  In fact her book Money While You Sleep helps us all to navigate disasters by creating an online income stream. She herself was forced to do just that when her successful career was brought to an abrupt halt after she gave birth to her son.

Always one for travel and adventure she had reported in the four quarters of the world and loved her job for its ability to shine a light on issues that otherwise might remain hidden, such as the refugee crisis or in war-torn Burmah.

But after giving birth, Lucy suffered such severe incontinence she was unable to leave the house. Over time she received some relief from her symptoms but her career as she had known it was over. So she began to build a business online; something she could do around her young baby and her physical condition.

Gradually she started helping other people to work in a more 'passive' way too. She had proved in her own life that anyone can build a business from their bedroom regardless of circumstance, age, location or skillset. And now she could share those tools and techniques with anyone who needed them.

 Her dream is to help refugees build a business and build a new life for themselves.

Thanks so much Lucy, for your openness in talking about the silent burden of incontinence that so lives are hindered by, and for offering a way of making money while you sleep to bring freedom to anyone, no matter their life circumstances.

Thanks also for showing us that we can all dream big and create financial freedom for ourselves through the power of serving others online.

You can find out more about Lucy’s work on and follow her on Instagram @lucygriffithsdotcom


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