Brave New Girl

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Saving the Planet

When Greta Thunberg talks of fireballs and the end of the world, we can be forgiven for freezing in our tracks, too terrified to make any decisions or choices. When we are so full of fear it is near impossible to galvanize ourselves into action. When a problem is so huge we feel tiny and insignificant in the face of it.

I do feel Greta has had to shout from the roof tops to force Governments to sit up and take action, but for the rest of us we perhaps needs quieter, gentler voices to point out ways we can have an impact; ways we feel capable of achieving, from wherever we are standing right now.

Doing what we can

My Brave New Girl podcast guest this week is Anna Murphy, whose gentle guidance, makes us feel we can make a difference in our own ways; balancing social compassion & self-care.

Brave New Girl podcast

Anna Murphy is a sustainability consultant specialising in the Future-Fit Business Benchmark. This is a framework that guides the pursuit of a truly sustainable society. She is currently studying an MPA in Public Policy, Public Value and Innovation at UCL.

Always passionate about righting the wrongs of the world she travelled to areas where she could help. But realising that there were inherent problems in the aid industry she decided to find out how she could do her bit in her own country.

Anna decided to focus her efforts on the climate crisis; educated herself, and got involved in Extinction Rebellion. The backlash was so intense and brutal that she found herself burnt out and questioning how far she needed to go and how much was enough in order to balance social compassion and self-care.

After working as a business sustainability consultant and making her own personal changes for the planet she realised that the bigger picture meant policy change, so she started her MA in Public Policy.

Anna is adamant that the future looks hopeful if we each take responsibility in our own way, but being an activist is the most effective charge for change, for those of us who feel able to do that.

Thank you so much Anna for being a passionate driving force at the forefront of sustainability in business and policy, and for the personal impact you are making for the good of our planet. Thanks also for showing us that we can each make a positive impact towards sustainability by taking small steps and doing what we can, where we can.

You can find out more about her work on her blog and follow her on Linkedin @annamurphy

Make an impact in the world

Share your story about how you are making an impact for others, by guesting on podcasts. I tell you how in my latest book DARE TO SHARE. In the meantime enjoy the impacters on Brave New Girl podcast.

Brave New Girl podcast