Brave New Girl

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Your Crowning Glory

It’s funny how in life we find our thing.

That One Thing, or small cluster of things that we take to wearing as our crown of expertise or passion or purpose.

Often it starts as a crown of thorns- a painful experience that we survive, overcome and rise out of.

The thorns become our triumph, our sense of purpose, our drive to help others who going through something similar.

And that’s how my guest on Brave New Girl podcast this week, Sonalie Figueiras earned her crown too.

She had health issues growing up and was passed from pillar to post in a frustrating journey of medical misogyny.

When she discovered good old wholesome, plant-based food and lifestyle, she was able to turn her life around.

The fire was lit for her vision of health, well-being and green living for all.

And her Green Queen media platform was born.


And shout your passion and purpose from the rooftops. Listen to how Sonalie grew her impact media platform Green Queen & uses it to advocate for social & environmental change.


Serial social entrepreneur Sonalie Figueiras, is the founder & editor-in-chief of Green Queen, an award-winning impact media platform advocating for social & environmental change in Hong Kong with a mission to shift consumer behaviour through inspiring & empowering original content. 

Sonalie paints a picture of what the climate crisis consciousness in Hong Kong and Asia as a whole and what she is trying to do with her Green Queen Media Platform.

There were definitely some clues in her childhood to the woman she became – not least in being bullied for being different, but more importantly how she used a natural journalistic flair to create magazines to entertain and educate her peers, from a young age.

 Then her health journey took her down a long and frustrating path in which she experienced medical misogyny and a series of no answers. That was until she decided to take her own health and well-being into her own hands.

 Out of the ashes of all those seemingly wasted years she created her life around health, well-being & green living. 

And this led to wanting to help others in the same way. And so her attention focused on Green Queen magazine/media platform, Sustainable packaging and Climate Tech.

 She talks about giving people choices, ideas, stories and information to live a healthier, greener, kinder life.

And if she could rip up the system and start again she would focus on circularity, degrowth, indigenous learnings, biophilia, regenerative systems, celebration of difference and matriarchy.

Thanks so much Sonalie, for creating a media platform that encourages debate on the topics around climate change and green solutions.

Thanks also for showing us how we can rise up from our own personal set-backs and channel our phoenix-like energy into something bigger than ourselves.

 You can find out more about her work on and follow her on Linkedin @SonalieFigueiras


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