Brave New Girl

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From complainer to campaigner

How many iterations of life have you been through and how many different versions of yourself have you uncovered as you forge your way into unknown territories? Few find their rightful path straight off the bat. Many think they are doing what they are meant to be doing, only for the rug to pulled out from under them. Have you felt the pang of resentment over an unfortunate turn of events or the frustration at a system that won’t budge in the face of reasoned argument? Is it through these twists and turns that you finally found your calling?

Kicking up a storm

Emma Livingstone went from complainer about a system that was not set up to help her as an adult with Cerebral Palsy, to campaigning for better healthcare provision for all..

Brave New Girl podcast

My guest this week on Brave New Girl podcast is Emma Livingstone who is one of around 130,000 adults living with Cerebral Palsy in this country, making it one of the largest disability groups in the UK. A trained Speech Therapist and married with three children, Emma realised through her own experience that those suffering with CP are abandoned by the authorities once they turn 18.

Frustrated for herself and for the others in her community she decided to go from 'complainer to campaigner' and founded the charity Adult CP Hub, to lobby for those much needed services to be provided as lifelong integrated care for adults with cerebral palsy.

In this replay episode Lou talks to Emma about her passion for positive change, her tenacity, her ability to own her condition and her drive to create a community that receives more recognition and support so that adults with CP can live full and active lives.

Find more about Emma's charity at and follow her on twitter @adultcphub and instagram @adultchphub

The Expert

We are delighted to announce that Emma is now a Silk Studios client, and we will be guesting her on many global podcasts where she will be speaking as an expert and coach on disability, equality and inclusivity, with topics that include motherhood, midlife, campaigning for change and running a fast growing charity.

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